Values and Knowledge.
Proximity and Quality.

Advice on a personal level.
Industrial-property rights at the highest level.

Our firm’s core values are respect and knowledgeability. They are the foundation of a long-term, trusting, and productive partnership with our clients. In turn, our clients can utilize their industrial-property rights with confidence and strengthen their position among competitors.
Our focus is on a personal dialog with permanent points of contact right from the outset. With this approach, we aim to identify the matters at hand, develop targeted solutions for the situation, and pursue long-term strategies. Applying great commitment, we give our clients the ability to make carefully considered decisions that are highly effective.
Thanks to our variety of professional backgrounds and many years’ work for our diverse client base, we possess a great wealth of experience in numerous industries, in incredibly different fields of technology, and in any conceivable entrepreneurial environment – from solo inventors to international corporations. Our clients in Germany profit from this when we defend their interests globally, as well as our international clients who are asserting their interests in the German and European markets. Our legal advice covers all aspects of industrial-property rights, from creating patent applications and registering trademarks and designs to handling disputes and drafting contracts.

Proximity to our clients and markets.
Our network’s locations for work on a global level.

Experience for small-, medium-, and large-sized enterprises.
Expertise for many industries and fields of business.

Respect and Knowledgeability
since 1948.

Hauck registers Germany’s first multimedia mark.
Firm celebrates its 70th anniversary.
Hamburg office relocates to Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strasse.
Hamburg office relocates to a larger office on Neuer Wall.
Gradual digitization of the firm's infrastructure and key procedural steps.
Hauck is one of the first agents to register a European Community trademark at the recently established Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market.
Firm goes global and keeps building up its worldwide network of partners.
Düsseldorf office is opened. It is led by Dr. Wolfgang Döring until 2021.
Attorneys specializing in trademark law are hired.
Office opened in Munich near the patent authority’s office. With the possibilities for communication continuing to advance, and especially with the new online-submission option created by the patent authorities, a decision was made to close the Munich office in 2010. However, more staff were hired for the Hamburg office.
Hauck registers Germany’s first frozen-food trademark.
Firm relocates to Neuer Wall and expands into Hamburg’s city center.
Dr. Hermann Negendank, who had already been a patent attorney at a Berlin firm prior to World War II, opens the firm in Hamburg.
Dr. Negendank ↑